Sometimes I Burn the Bacon…

Starting on this blogging journey was an adventure! Things are never boring around here – I make sure of that! First step was to find a good domain name. Because I thrive in chaos, and seem to get everything done in the end, I was thinking “Chaos Manager”. But that domain was taken and it didn’t really tell my reader anything about what the blog would contain. Next would be the super boring I thought since I didn’t really know where this blog would go or what I want to be when I grow up, it would give me a bit of freedom to redirect my website if need be. My son told me it would be a horrible idea, but I tried it anyway and guess what – it was also taken!

Next idea came from a character trait that has followed me through my life, no fear of failure. I tend to jump head first into new things then look around after to see how that jump might have affected me. I was like this as a kid, ask my mom! I remember one particular day I was bored and wanting to repaint my walls. I had wallpaper on the lower half of my wall and I hated it. I had been helping my dad repaint and patch walls at his rental houses, so I knew my way around the painting and wall repair tools. I grabbed a scraper and started taking the wallpaper off my wall. My mom was talking on the phone and said, “Kristy, pick up the phone and say hi to Grandma.” I said hi to Grandma and she asked me what I was up to, and I told her I was ripping the wallpaper off my bedroom walls. My mom heard me say it and I remember hearing her running to my room yelling, “You better not be!” Well guess who’s room was repainted, this girl. I jumped in and didn’t look back. So my leaps into new things don’t always have a cushy landing. Sometimes I flop, but it’s all good. I usually learn something in the end, even if it’s not to do that particular thing again. Like cutting hair, I’ve literally been told it’s not my gift. Well that chaos that I thrive in, sometimes balls are dropped, and sometimes I burn the bacon. I literally almost burned down our rental at Hilton Head by burning the bacon. My husband was traveling for work near Hilton Head Island. This sounded like a good work trip for me to tagalong. Me and my entourage of 3 little kiddos, he wouldn’t even know we where there – ha! In the morning I let the hubs sleep while I attempted to entertain the 3 littles in a new environment while making breakfast. My job is not usually bacon making, but we were on vacation and that equaled bacon for breakfast. I thought I had it. I stepped away for a millisecond and smoke everywhere, I had to jar my husband awake with, “The bacon is burning! Help!” He rescued the kitchen from burning down. The bacon was a lost cause. We flung the door and windows open. Burning bacon smell filled the entire indoor pool area and remained there for the remainder of our stay.

All that to say, my next idea for a website name was “Sometimes I Burn the Bacon”. I thought it was really cute and highlighted the idea to not be intimidated to try new things and not be afraid of failure. All that to say, my next idea for a website name was “Sometimes I Burn the Bacon”. So what’s the first thing when starting a new blog, check if the website name is available, it was! I was in business! But then I took the next step to google search the name and see what comes up. First site that came up was from the Urban Dictionary, go ahead and read it. I’ll wait…

So you can see why maybe this might not be the best name for my little crafting farm life blog? Can you imagine the traffic I might get! I laughed so hard 🤣 I laughed so hard and almost named it that anyway, I still might – don’t go out and buy that domain! I told my teenage son this story, he was so embarrassed. So this was my first misstep in starting my blog, and likely will not be my last. It’s ok, I’m not afraid to burn the bacon!

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